Rock on Design

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

For Those About to Rock

Last night I was flipping through the channels when I came upon a show that blew me away. It was the premier of ROCKSTAR INXS!

Now normally I would not be up for another lame reality based show, (I prefer a plot and storyline) but what I saw was simply inspiring. These 15 people rocked my face off. The shear talent that I saw on stage in this competition blew me away. Not everyone will understand my odd desire to see a truly amazing rock show, but trust me… rock and roll still lives on.

So, here is my shameless plug for this great show on CBS. Give it a try, you just might find a little rocker buried deep within you.

(heading lyrics – For Those About to Rock by AC/DC)


  • I'm afraid I must disagree, though not whole-heartedly because I didn't watch it.

    I tend to view this as just another "I'm a washed up celebrity trying to make it back" type of show. There are currently a ton of them on. such as:

    "Celebrity Get Fit" - Gary Busy (overweight obviously) getting fit. The last movie I can remember seeing him in was Surviving the Game.

    "Hogan Knows Best" - Hulk Hogan "wrestles" with his wife and kids. ugh.

    "Tommy Lee Goes to College" - Isn't he like 50? At what age do you become a dirty old man?

    the list goes on to include 1 hit wonders singing again, inxs looking for a singer, and jerry hall looking for lord knows what.

    I hate reality tv, none of it's real.

    By Blogger josh, at 6:10 AM  

  • An interesting point... one that I will conceed to you. INXS has had it time in the sun (if that is what you call it) and now they are trying to resurrect a career through an American Idol rip off contest . (Of course American Idol is also a rip off of British television, but MAN they sure know how to make a great show!)

    What I like about the show rests solely in the performers and their Ballz to the Wallz rock spirit!

    So yeah, this could just be another reality show, but it is the one that I have been waiting for, for a very long time.

    By Blogger Andy, at 9:16 PM  

  • INXS is a band?

    By Blogger Stuen, at 7:54 AM  

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