Rock on Design

Friday, September 16, 2005

Leaving Home After Living Alone for so Many Years

Based upon a bit of wisdom a friend of mine recently stated all I will say is – I have been so busy it's been hard to find time to update. (This is not entirely untrue seeing as I am attempting to get situated in my new apartment and still finding time for a social life.)

I am beginning to cope with living alone. (In the past I have never lived alone in any space that consisted of more than just 1 dorm room.) I can’t speak for everyone else, but it is at once liberating and lonely. I lived for the last 15 months with a roommate that worked in the evenings so we often didn’t see each other for days at a time, but that is not the same as this. I don’t think I have ever felt so isolated yet still enjoyed it in some strange secluded sorta way. I actually feel like I should be throwing parties all the time. (This is totally a new feeling for me.)

So as I continue my life in the big city I will try to keep both of you posted on the adventures I experience living alone. (Maybe I should get a fish… or a plant or something…)

Heading lyrics - She's leaving home by The Beatles


  • Those fish and plants are really great to... ummm, talk to.

    I enjoyed living alone for a bit. It is sort of weird after living with someone for so many years, and I only did it for one summer, but it was a novel experience.

    I think after the novelty wears off you'll either love it or hate it.

    By Blogger josh, at 5:09 AM  

  • i liked living alone, never had to do dishes or clean until you want to, could walk around naked, never had to shut do the door to the bathroom, the list of advantages just goes on and on...

    of course there are disadvantages as well, like you're alone... all the time. it does get old after awhile.

    By Blogger Stuen, at 10:38 AM  

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